Thursday, November 13, 2014

My First 33 Gifts....

Today is the day....that I am starting my list thankfulness.  I won't be posting the list everyday because....well, you know some things are personal.  But for today I will post my first 33 gifts.  I encourage you to do the same.  It is the season of thankfulness and giving.  So do it.

My Gifts.
1. Jude
2. Elise
3. Avery
(Well of course my children are gifts)
4. Mom
5. Dad
(they really are good parents)
6. My Home
7. My cousin Jeremy (who rents his home to me)
8. Aunt Jill (who cooks dinner for my family A LOT)
9. My cousin Sarah (who calls me at 6 AM)
10. Kevin & Sydney
11.  My Family - I really have a very AWESOME family.  It is big and lots of variety. 
12.  My Job.  Yes I work at DCS and yes I work like all the time.  And yes I do mountains of paperwork....and now spreadsheets & deadlines.  Not to mention that you know....if I slack off at work it could me the safety of a child (no pressure).  I really do love my job.  I think of it as a blessing that I get to be involved in such an intimate part of other peoples lives.  I don't like the paperwork though...don't count that as a gift. 
13.  The smell of fresh photocopies.  I. Love. That. Smell.
14.  Willow - My dog.  She is a good dog.  Yes she smells and she sheds but she is very obedient. 
15.  My other pets (cats, bunny and fish). 
16.  Social Media.  Really I love that I get to interact with people from all over the world.  I still prefer face to face...lets get together stuff but I really appreciate that I can see what is going on with other people who I don't see often.
17.  My Sister, Heather.  She is pretty awesome.
18.  My sister's family - Ivan, Indy and Reichen.  They are pretty awesome too.
19.  Ivan's family.  I have lots of warm, fuzzy and wonderful memories involving Ivan's family.  That's pretty cool if you ask me.
20.  Coffee - I love coffee but my doc diagnosed me with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  Yikes.  She suggested I lay off the caffeine.  I am down to one cut a day and man I am way less anxious.  Funny how that works. 
21.  My Smartphone. 
22.  JenF - although we don't talk quite as often as we used too.... I can tell her ANYTHING and she will give me her honest feedback. 
23.  Tee - my nail guy.
24.  Water - I had a plumbing issue a while back.  I didn't have water for like a week.  It was bad.  I really appreciate running water.
25.  Chips & Salsa.  One of my favorite foods ever.
26.  Faith Promise Church.  I go there.  It has been good for me.
27.  TV - I certainly could live without it BUT it is nice to have on while I am folding mountains of laundry.
28.  The horses down the road.  My family loves the horses.
29.  Scott County - Yes I think it is a gift.  I do complain about it and I admit it is completely dysfunctional and different than any other place on earth....and I don't plan to stay here much longer....BUT it is so beautiful here. And I think I've learned a lot in the last three years of living here.
30.  The painting Elise painted for me that is hanging in my bedroom.
31.  Jared - even if it is complicated.
32.  My Co-workers - I work with some of the best people in the world.  And really that is true of most jobs I've had in my life.  I think I've been very fortunate. 
33.  Miranda - Oh Miranda.  She drives me crazy and sometimes yells at me and hates sunshine and is grumpy most of the time.  BUT....underneath all that she is sweet and thoughtful.  And always lots of entertainment.

So, there is my list.  Elise was watching me type this.  She suggested I add clothes to the list.  Her reason was so I don't have to be a streaker.  Nice.  My silly girl.  I hope you all have a day filled with many, many gifts!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Two and a Half Years Later....

Today while I was sitting at a red light I was checking my Facebook.  I guess I got bored in that two minutes it took for the light to change.  Ironically I found this blog post about slowing down, not multitasking, stopping to smell the roses.....  It seems like it is always my goal to live a little slower.  I am always reminding myself.  I've been doing a lot of "soul searching" lately.  I am contemplative...always going over things, analyzing, daydreaming....  I am trying to slow down.  With a full time crazy job that is an hour away from my house and three growing kids I have to be very deliberate about it.  I have to force myself.  Notice I said, trying to slow down

So, Christmas is coming up pretty quick.  I love Christmas.  I love Christmas carols and Christmas trees and decorations and Christmas cookies and Presents.  I love Presents.  I love planning and finding that perfect gift for that someone special.  I love wrapping.....packaging.....sealing with a kiss.  I love dipping candy canes in chocolate and putting them in pretty packages with shiny red bows.  I love putting the girls in their red velvet dresses and Jude in his....shirt with a collar (lol) and taking silly pictures.  I love Christmas cards....but only if they contain a little note.  I am not that fond of a cheap card with a family signature.  Just my thoughts.  Anyways....back to what I was saying.  Since I moved to TN, Jake and I split the holidays.  This year I get the kids for Thanksgiving and he has them on Christmas.  The kids get WAY too much on Christmas.  I want to give them presents because like I said above....I love the whole gift giving thing.  But.....I do not want to just give them STUFF.  So I am thinking and planning and organizing.  I wish they knew how privileged they really are....  I try to teach them to appreciate what they have and to be humble but I think I might be failing miserably.   I should probably lead by example.  I am really just over all the stuff.  I am focusing on my blessings.  Learning to be thankful and appreciate.  The blog ( was reading talked about this (  I haven't bought the book but she was saying that she has been writing down things she feels are "gifts" to her every day.  Not just 2 or 3.  She has been writing 33 each day.  33 different ones each day.  I like the idea a lot.  I think I will try it myself.  I have so many gifts....

I am going to start blogging again.  I think I will show y'all a little of my Tennessee later this week.  See you then!!!

My First 33 Gifts....

Today is the day....that I am starting my list thankfulness.  I won't be posting the list everyday because....well, you know some things...