Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear God, It's Me Delilah....

The title is a little throwback to my favorite childhood author, Judy Blume.  I devoured every single thing she ever wrote. 

I've been having a lot of conversation with God lately.  They usually go something like this....Uh hey God.  Me again.  Yep I'm still acting stupid.  Can I get a little forgiveness? (Awkward Silence) anyone there?  Okay well I'll try to catch you later.  Honestly....I was warned this was going to happen. 

So, a couple of weeks ago I posted something on FB.  A survey of sorts.  I got tons of comments.  Many people told me I should pray about it.  What?  Pray and not rely on FB feedback?  What a novel idea.  So I did.  And I can not even believe how everything is playing out.  I remember a long time ago a good friend of mine told me she needs to see a burning bush.  I didn't feel that way then.  But I am here to tell you.  Got that burning bush (well almost.....well on my  Crazy how that works.

Around the same time (during Camp Delilah) I met my new (well they've been there 3 months) neighbors.  They live in the house behind me....which happens to be about 12 feet from the back of my house (just wanted to establish how close in proximity we are).  It is a young, sweet, newly married couple with a puppy.....dealing with the struggles of adjusting to what being married is really like.  As I was talking with the girl she was asking about the neighborhood and some of our neighbors.  I am embarrassed to say I've lived here 3 years and can't tell you some of their names.  Doesn't that surprise you?  I can make friends and meet people everywhere I go but not so close to home.  Strange.  I am sure it reveals something deep and secretive about me.  She told me that the people who lived in the house before moved to a condo because their son had died last winter.  Her son was around 10-12 years old.  OMG.  How can I live 12 feet from someone and not know they lost a child.  I don't think I ever even talked to the woman.  Jake did a few times but I am not sure I could even recognize her if I saw her out and about.  Anyways, this was really weighing on my heart.  I prayed to God to help me love my neighbors.  Wow.  It is like he was just waiting to hear that one.....  It is AMAZING what has happened since that day.  I have very randomly.....and I mean very randomly met more of my neighbors over the last month than I have over the past 3 years.  And I am not just talking to chat it up.  Here's an example:  Yesterday a girl who has lived only a few houses down stopped over because her son goes to school with my kids.  They saw each other outside and started playing.  She and I talked for a long time.  Sadly, I already knew a few things about her because of neighborhood gossip.  I didn't tell her what I knew....mostly because I was embarrassed to admit it.  But I found out she is a sweet, sweet girl who has a lot going on.  I think she has a lot of people giving her advice and telling her what to do.  So, I just listened.  I've had so many more opportunities to get to know my neighbors.  I've watched kids, chatted in the street, kept someones dog that got out.....all sorts of fun things. 

I don't know why but I feel so stunned by my answered prayers.  I guess because I felt so unheard(?) for so long.  Guess I was wrong.  Go figure.  I will say, after a very VERY long time of feeling lost in my own little corner.....I love life.  I feel blessed and maybe even on my way to being healthy again.  Thank God.  No literally....I thank God.  lol

P.S.  As for my first "answered prayer".  I'll have to tell you all about it later.  I'm just not ready yet.


  1. Praise God for all answered prayers... as hard as it is sometimes, we have to trust Him. I'm so glad He is guiding you!

  2. Good girl... Sometimes we hafta wait. We think our prayers aren't being answered but really God knows/sees more than we do. Maybe it's not the right time. He's patient. We're not. We want instant answers and gratification. Just listen. Hard to do when we clutter our lives w/ so much. Ur experiences have been delightful! And I, too, LOVE Judy Bloom... ;-) I'm glad ur blogging again, girl. Keep it up!!!

    Heather H.

  3. Oh Delilah, just last night I had such a wonderful experience with God! I was reading in St. Luke ch 7, v 11-15. I feel God spoke direct to my heart and now I have such peace. I pray to have faith and for Him to help my unbelief. So often I pick up the "load" again and start walking in my own strength.
    When the Holy Spirit speaks to me (expecially through His word), I know (I said I KNOW) everything's going to be okay.

    I knew last night that I needed to share this with someone, and pondered in my heart if I should or not....however, when I read your post, I got my answer.

    Love you
    Aunt Debbie


My First 33 Gifts....

Today is the day....that I am starting my list thankfulness.  I won't be posting the list everyday because....well, you know some things...